Other Injury Claims

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    Other Injury Claims

    There are virtually as many types of accident as there are people in the world. Not every accident fits into one of the ready-made categories, such as road traffic accident, or injury at work, but that really doesn’t matter – if you’ve been injured in an accident which was the direct result of someone else’s negligence, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Any accident can cause long term distress and pain, and, in the short term, can lead to out of pocket expenses for things like travel, medical bills and medication. The type of accidents which you may be able to claim for include those which take place whilst playing or watching sport, are involved with animals, faulty products or feature injuries which are sustained whilst on a holiday or tour.


    In order to make a successful no win no fee compensation claim your solicitor will need to be able to prove that you sustained injuries as a direct result of the accident in question, and that the accident itself actually took place and was the direct result of the negligence of the other party. In order to make this easier it will be necessary to collect as much evidence pertaining to the accident as possible – your own account, those of eyewitnesses, medical reports and police reports where applicable.

    The idea that we live in something of a ‘compensation culture’, that it’s easy to claim money for even the most trivial of accidents, has led to many people making claims for the most minor of incidents. Unscrupulous companies will encourage people to claim for injuries which aren’t even a direct result of the accident and to invent or exaggerate symptoms which might not even exist. This has led, in turn, to courts being stricter than ever in their handling of compensation claims. Because of this extra strictness, injury solicitors work twice as hard to make sure that the cases they handle are only the most deserving cases. An expert no win, no fee solicitor will make sure that you have got a genuine, strong case – that you were genuinely involved in an accident which wasn’t your fault and that you suffered personal injury as a result of this accident.

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