Dog Attack Claims is a claims management company that helps people claim compensation for an accident or injury that wasn't their fault
With no win no fee agreements (also known as a Conditional Fee Arrangements, or CFAs), there are no upfront legal fees, which means anyone who has been involved in an accident that wasn’t their fault can gain access to justice without any financial risk. Your solicitor only gets a fee if your claim is successful. If your claim isn't successful, you won’t pay your solicitor any legal fees.
If your case is successful, typically you will pay 25% (including VAT) of your compensation to your solicitor, although they will discuss any fees before starting your case. To ensure your claim is risk free, your solicitor may take out an insurance policy on your behalf. If you terminate the agreement, you may have to pay fees for the time already spent on your claim, or due to: lack of cooperation, misleading your solicitor, missing medical or expert examinations, or not attending court hearings.
There are some instances where you are not required to use the services of a claims management company, and are able to claim yourself, for free, directly via the relevant ombudsman/compensation scheme. These include:
- Criminal injuries: The Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (England, Wales, and Scotland) or the Criminal Injury Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland)
- Minor road accidents: The Official Injury Claim Portal
- Accidents involving uninsured drivers: The Motor Insurers' Bureau
Dog Attack/Bite Claims
We’ve all seen the awful news reports of babies and toddlers being mauled by the family pet or a relative’s dog, and that is why there are strict laws regarding certain breeds and characteristics.
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- Pit Bull Terrier
- Japanese Tosa
- Dogo Argentino
- Fila Brasileiro
According to DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), these dog types are not classified by breed but by type, meaning that if a dog fits the physical characteristics of one of these four breeds then it is a banned dog and the owners can and will be prosecuted.
Receiving Dog Bite Compensation
If you are attacked by a dog that matches the physical characteristics of these four breeds, you will have an excellent chance of making a personal injury claim for your dog attack injuries. You will also have an excellent chance of success if the dog has a history of aggression and the owner did not take adequate steps, like muzzling it or keeping it on a lead, to protect members of the public.
The Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 does not just apply to these four breeds, it also applies to all dog owners. It makes it illegal for ANY dog to be “dangerously out of control” in a public place or a place that it should not be and a dog can be classed as “out of control” if it causes someone to fear or believe that it will attack them.
Dog attacks can happen to anybody but are particularly common in professions like postal delivery workers, couriers, builders, care workers, water board, gas or electricity workers, and other people who visit people’s homes and can come into contact with strange dogs who are protecting their territory. However, dog attacks can happen anywhere if a dog has become out of control in a public place.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog attack, you should report it to the police, seek medical attention and then seek the services of an injury lawyer who can build a case for compensation on your behalf. Compensation can help you with expenses, lost earnings and also help you to get the medical care, or even psychological care, that you need after your traumatic experience. Reporting the dog attack to the police and pursuing a claim for personal injury compensation will also mean that you can prevent the attack happening to someone else and perhaps save a life. Although you may feel awful if the dog has to be destroyed, this may save the life of a child.
What to do if you are the victim of a Dog Attack
After you have got the medical attention you need and are safe, you should report the attack to the police so that it can be investigated. This will bring that dog and its owners to the police’s attention and the police report will also be evidence of the attack which your personal injury lawyer can use in court.
You should also record the contact details of the owner’s of the dog and ask them if they have any insurance that covers the dog, like home insurance or pet insurance. These details can then be passed on to your solicitor.
A dog attack can have all kinds of implications for your life. It can:-
- Leave you seriously injured, with either short-term or long-term medical problems.
- Affect you psychologically
- Lead to lost earnings
- Lead to lost future earnings if you are unable to go back to work as a result of your injuries
- Mean that you are out of pocket – You may incur medical bills, prescription charges and other expenses as a result of the attack.
You really do deserve to be compensated for your injuries and for your expenses, so contact a no win no fee specialist personal injury solicitor as soon as possible.