When you work for a living it’s only right that you should be able to take certain things for granted. The first of these, of course, is that you receive an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, in a manner which recognises your skills and the effort you put in. Secondly, however, it’s vital that the environment in which you work should be as safe as possible. You spend a huge percentage of your life in your place of employment and any problems with the likes of poor air quality, faulty equipment or insufficient rest breaks could prove highly detrimental to your health. Over and above this it’s imperative that you should be able to move around freely and safely without risking trips or falls on the likes of loose cables, wet floors or torn carpeting.
Thankfully, the days when bosses could treat their workers as expendable are long gone, but there’s no getting around the fact that problems can still arise, and it’s vital that there’s a system in place to deal with these problems. If you’ve been injured or fallen ill through the negligence of your employer it’s only right and fair that you should be able to seek compensation. Even a minor injury may result in medical expenses and lost earnings and it’s surely unfair to be made to suffer financially as well as physically and psychologically?
Many people, however, hesitate to claim compensation from an employer due to a worry that their employer will be left personally out of pocket, or that any sum awarded will, in effect, be paid from the wages of their friends and colleagues. The truth, however, is that every employer has to take out insurance to cover claims of this kind, and any who fail to do so will end up paying much more in the form of fines. The insurance will cover any compensation you are awarded, and making a claim may even help to ensure that nobody else suffers in the same way in the future. Looked at it the round, the paying of fair compensation is a system which works for the individual, the employer and the workforce as a whole.