I was injured whilst crossing the road – can I make a claim?

NoWinNoFee.com is a claims management company that helps people claim compensation for an accident or injury that wasn't their fault

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    How No Win No Fee Works

    With no win no fee agreements (also known as a Conditional Fee Arrangements, or CFAs), there are no upfront legal fees, which means anyone who has been involved in an accident that wasn’t their fault can gain access to justice without any financial risk. Your solicitor only gets a fee if your claim is successful. If your claim isn't successful, you won’t pay your solicitor any legal fees.

    If your case is successful, typically you will pay 25% (including VAT) of your compensation to your solicitor, although they will discuss any fees before starting your case. To ensure your claim is risk free, your solicitor may take out an insurance policy on your behalf. If you terminate the agreement, you may have to pay fees for the time already spent on your claim, or due to: lack of cooperation, misleading your solicitor, missing medical or expert examinations, or not attending court hearings.

    There are some instances where you are not required to use the services of a claims management company, and are able to claim yourself, for free, directly via the relevant ombudsman/compensation scheme. These include:

    - Criminal injuries: The Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (England, Wales, and Scotland) or the Criminal Injury Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland)

    - Minor road accidents: The Official Injury Claim Portal

    - Accidents involving uninsured drivers: The Motor Insurers' Bureau

    I was injured whilst crossing the road – can I make a claim?

    Recent years have seen many advances in the field of road safety. Cars themselves are safer than they’ve ever been thanks to the development of features such as anti-lock braking, airbags and crumple zones, whilst driving habits have been improved through a combination of education and an ever expanding use of speed cameras.

    Despite these improvements, however, and the fact that overall casualty rates have been gradually shrinking throughout the past decade, there’s still no getting away from the fact that roads can be dangerous places, particularly for pedestrians. According to the latest set of government statistics available, in 2011 26,198 pedestrians were injured on the UK’s roads, with 453 of these cases being severe enough to result in death. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to be injured whilst crossing the road then you may well be in a position to make a claim for compensation.

    In some ways the term ‘car accident’ is something of a misnomer, since it automatically implies that nobody was to blame for the incident in question. Occasionally, of course, this may well be the case, but it’s generally true that accidents on the road come about because someone has been negligent. Usually it’s the driver of a car or rider of a motorbike, sometimes it may be the organisation responsible for the upkeep of the road itself, but, whatever the details, if you’ve been injured because another party wasn’t driving with sufficient care and attention then it’s only right that they, and not you, should have to foot the bill.

    In the immediate aftermath of having been hit by a car mounting a claim may be the last thing on your mind. While you’re fully focused on recovering, the thought of legal action may simply seem like far too much trouble. That’s why it’s imperative that you seek the help of an expert road accident lawyer. They’ll take down the details of your case and then do the hard work of building a compelling claim. If you have to spend money on things such as medical bills, or have lost earnings due to having to take time off work, then it’s only right and fair that the party responsible should have to foot this bill. On top of that, a payment which takes your pain and suffering into account will help in your recovery and make it easier to get on with the rest of your life.

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